The Saskatchewan Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation understands the struggles and challenges you have been faced with. With the current lock down in Manitoba and increased measures in Alberta, it would be naive to think Saskatchewan will be unaffected. We would like to encourage club members to revisit their lockdown plans and make provisions in the event of future Provincial measures.
To offer support we would like to introduce the following two grants to our Club Membership body should you wish to apply:
SaskBJJ COVID-19 Recovery Grant (Application deadline December 7, 2020)
The Saskatchewan Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation is happy to offer the SaskBJJ COVID-19 Recovery Grant to support the recovery efforts of SaskBJJ Club Members during this unprecedented time. The maximum grant amount is $1500.00 and is based on Club Member’s active individual memberships. Funding can be used for costs incurred after May 1, 2020.
Application criteria:
- You are a current club member
- All club membership fees are paid and up to date.
- Grants will be given based on the number of SaskBJJ members registered with paid memberships from each club.
- Fill out and submit the SaskBJJ COVID-19 Recovery Grant application. on or before December 7, 2020
- You must complete a SaskBJJ COVID-19 Recovery Grant Application and a follow-up report.
The SaskBJJ COVID-19 Recovery Grant has been developed to offset additional costs to equip Club Members facilities with PPE, sanitization products and COVID-19 awareness materials.
SaskBJJ Economic Support Grant (January 1, 2021- December 30, 2021)
The Saskatchewan Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation is happy to offer the SaskBJJ Economic Support Grant. The grant is intended to support the recovery efforts of SaskBJJ Club Members during this unprecedented time. The maximum grant amount is $2500 and is based on Club Member’s active individual memberships.
Application criteria:
- You are a current club member
- All club membership fees are paid and up to date.
- Grants will be given based on the number of SaskBJJ members registered with paid memberships from each club.
- You can apply for 1 grant during the calendar year January 1, 2021 – December 30, 2021 based on your needs.
- You must complete a SaskBJJ Economic Support Grant Application and a follow-up report.
The SaskBJJ Economic Support Grant has been developed to provide financial support for the potential hurdles of the pandemic. Example: Webcams, tribods, rent due to reduced membership, ect.